Earlier this month, we discussed family health history, covering what it means, why it is important for you, and how you should collect it. We touched on the fact that you should bring this information with you to visit your doctor during your wellness visits, as this information is extremely...
Understanding your family health history is a vital part to understanding what health complications you may develop in your lifetime. What is family health history? Family health history is a record of the diseases and health conditions that have affected your close blood relatives. Genes, which...
Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome back to Community Health Corner. I’m Shelby, and I am Ursula! It’s December! Can you believe we have reached the end of 2022? This year has flown by, and I cannot believe it. It is crazy how quickly this year has passed by us, but it’s not...
When you play an active role in your health care, you can improve the quality of the care that you and your family get. Start by speaking up and asking questions at the doctor’s office. Health care is a team effort, and you’re the most important member of the team! Your team also...