We are building health education resources in the form of on-demand video presentations. Any community member and/or partner is welcomed and encouraged to use...
Let’s Talk About Vaping On-Demand Education. Vaping has been on the rise for middle and high school students, with reports of e-cigarettes having been...
Community Health Corner Community Health Corner is a monthly internet show that began during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person health education was not...
Migrant farmworkers are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer from daily exposure to excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. ...
In addition to our education efforts to inform the public about the dangers of ultraviolet ray exposure from the sun and the associated risk of developing...
From 2014 through 2019, Georgia Organics, with the Georgia Departments of Agriculture, Early Care and Learning, Education, and Public Health and UGA...
Adult and childhood obesity rates in Vidalia Georgia and surrounding area are well above state and national averages. This increased rate of obesity has a...
Underneath the cartoon vegetables on her exterior lies a real-life Veggie-Tastic superhero. The Veggie Van began life as an emergency services vehicle,...
Community Health Works partners with the Area Agency on Aging to provide nutrition and exercise education to county senior centers over the last six...